2024; In or Out?

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I’ve had this website since early 2018 so I’m pretty consistent when it comes to posting in early January, usually around the anniversary of my domain. This type of post may seem overly familiar to a lot of you, a new year with old promises to myself where all of a sudden I decide that 202-? will be the year that I phoenix my blog from the ashes of my university days. You can call me optimistic or just plain deluded as you read on, because I’m back baby.

Hogmanay and New Year’s Day have never been my favourite of holidays, often feeling anti-climactic. I would immediately try and throw myself into new routines to develop habits that never stick around past the initial introductory fortnight. This year just feels different. Maybe it was the magic of climbing Calton Hill at 11:45pm on the 31st of December with approximately half the Edinburgh population or the sparklers my friends and I lit soon after midnight. It could be the prospect of a pancake breakfast on my birthday as the date aligns with Shrove Tuesday. It’s likely looking better because I started my new job on the 3rd of January so I feel like 2024, literally, is a new chapter for me. These many reasons will all be playing a contributing factor to why 2024 has me excited. Shocking really, given how I loathe even numbers.

I’ve been thoroughly enjoying reading everybody’s ins and outs for the upcoming year, such a fun version of new years resolutions. I think mine are perhaps a little more lighthearted because I will likely never stop putting myself down (lol) and have been cutting out toxic people for literally years now. But not being addicted to reading r/AmITheAsshole like a newspaper in the morning feels like a manageable goal instead. I shall enjoy more chocolate muffins and binging Sex and the City and hope that my feeling of existential crisis will just naturally fade away as a result.

So old job (barista) is out and new job (barista) is in, whilst we’re on the topic. I worked breakfast shifts at the Gleneagles Townhouse on St. Andrews Square for over a year, learned how to make a stunning cosmopolitan (Carrie Bradshaw would be proud) and developed a taste for champagne. In late November 2023 my favourite coffee shop in Edinburgh was hiring so how could I not apply? Learning about different types of alcohol is fun but I still prefer coffee and lucky for me, said coffee shop liked me back. I’m now three weeks into my new role, successfully covering myself in coffee grounds on most shifts. yet still struggling to dress cute as a barista. It meant that I’ve had a complete change of pace for January, especially after the festive period. I send applause to all my fellow hospitality folk who were in the trenches during December, we made it. It’s kind of funny looking back, I can’t believe I was able to get up for a 6am work start for so long, I’m getting too old to live on such little sleep.

Next month I’ll be entering my mid-twenties (boke) because as much as I’m looking forward to this year, I don’t think 24 is an age that suits me, but that could be my baby face talking. I’m not particularly knowledgeable about the Chinese zodiac but this year is literally my year, the year of the dragon. Between that and my Pancake Day/birthday hybrid, I’m beginning the year with enough optimism to carry me for a good few months, maybe even into 2025. If it all goes down the toilet, future me, I’m sorry. It would be pretty on brand for me to not post on the blog again until next year.

You may have noticed that my website has had a little bit of a revamp. I was slowly working on it throughout 2023 – when I wasn’t heading to bed at 9pm – in anticipation for finding joy in writing again. It’s not finished, primarily due to technical issues as it’s near impossible to read older posts without external links. Fixing that is a priority over anything else internet-y but I was just so excited to start word dumping again. This post will pave the way to many more coffee recommendations, outfit pictures, storytimes and life chat as we all struggle through our twenties.

I remember reading that the cast of Friends were supposed to be about 24 when the series began so I feel a bit more comfortable in my existential state. I’m making coffee now but maybe I’ll be getting job offers in Paris in less than a decade. Better keep up my Duolingo streak just in case!

Thanks for sticking around, maybe I will too.
Becca x

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